Friday, October 30, 2009

9 days till shoot!

Hello friends,

Single digits till we shoot!

Above is the wonderful Mildura Cemetery. We have some major sequences there and other than it being as HOT as a fire cracker in the sun, it's a stunning location. Can't beat the red earth and European trees. Very much looking forward to shooting there.

Our Art Dept have been working like hound dogs, scouring the region for props and vehicles of all shapes and sizes. I'm talkin: arm chairs, picking ladders, pick-up trucks, paintings, fake pot, tents, orange crates, fork lifts, semi-trailers, beds, pianos... The list goes on. Emma (Production Designer) and Kanga-Lou (Art Director), you are CHAMPIONS.

Meanwhile our wardrobe department are kicking some serious ass. I've certainly made it tough with like a million characters! Fair few Extras too. Tia-Maria (Costume Designer) and Sarah (Costume Supervisor) have been trucking all over Melbourne. Dozens of fittings, hundreds of shops. Even more returns. When the budget is tight it increases the workload TEN FOLD, as you can't just buy up lots of options to try out. You have to be specific and accurate and when you can't see all your actors in person (because they're still OS!) it makes things very tricky. But they're killing it and we LOVE them!

Just so pumped about our team. Great vibe. Great people. I'm feeling very privileged.

Ricky : )

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